Fine Arts Events

The Fine Arts at The Awty International School are comprised of Visual Arts and Performing Arts. Each area provides opportunities for students to learn and be expressive in curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities.

The Arts

  • Improve students' overall academic performance.
  • Students that are actively engaged in arts education are likely to have higher test scores than those with little to no involvement.
  • Arts students develop skills needed by the 21st century workforce: critical thinking, creative problem solving, effective communication, teamwork, and more.
  • Arts involvement allows students to express themselves creatively and bolster their self-confidence


Jason Peguero
Secondary School Performing Arts Chair

Krystle Holnes
Secondary School Visual Arts Chair


Zulfia Bazylchuk, Music 

Lower School

Kristin Loya, Art

Lucy Rodriguez, Music


Philippe Carré, Digital Studio / Computers

Marijan Jurcic, Digital Studio / Computers

Jason Peguero, Band / Honors Band

David Bauman, Theater

Jason Peguero, Jazz Band / Orchestra / Band 

Sheila Milner, Dance

Ingrid Gerling, Choir

Jesus Pacheco, Drumline