Experiential Education

The goal of experiential education at Awty is for our students to discover and connect to the world in a meaningful way that expands the boundaries of traditional education and allows for independent thinking and growth.


Every fall, shortly after the start of school, all students in secondary grades take two days outside of regular class time to participate in the annual Fall Trips Program. These trips and activities are designed to introduce students with their teachers to the wide variety of customs, cultures, and languages within the Awty community. Entire grade levels will explore in and around Houston or will go on an overnight trip to a camp in Texas. We depend on the value of these community-building programs to bring students and teachers together in the true Spirit of Awty.


March 25-29, 2024

Awty Connects Week is a chance for Awty students and faculty to connect to the world outside of the classroom... connecting to nature and the outdoors, to the past, to real-life work experiences, to other cultures, languages, and ways of life, to each other, and so much more!

Middle School

Upper School