Gifts of Restricted Funds

Listed below are donors who requested their gift(s) benefit a specific academic department, school program, student club, memorial fund, and/or relief fund. Contributions were received between July 1, 2016 and June 30, 2017.

Awty Parent and Personnel Association
Mr. Babar Zulquernain and Mrs. Uzma Babar

Banham Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Banham

Chinese Language Program
Mr. David Ding and Ms. Michelle Guan
Mr. and Mrs. Johnny L. Hall
Mr. Eugene E. Lee and Dr. Bridgitte S. Lee
Mr. Zhengzheng Zhou and Mrs. Huey-Wen Song

Colin Fulton Memorial Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Orth

Library Fund
Mr. David M. Best and Mrs. Sheri L. McDonald
Dr. Hervé Chapellat and Mrs. Caroline A. O'Reardon
Mr. and Mrs. Sasa Hanusic
Mr. Thomas Lawson and Mrs. Beverly Lawson

STEAM Coordinator Fund
Air Liquide Large Industries U.S.
Aramco Services Company

Go Texan Day
Mr. and Mrs. Nabil W. Arwadi

Robotics Club
Ms. Jennifer F. Berg